Evidence 1

Evidence 3 cont.

Evidence 3 - McFadden, M (2016). Councillor warns of “plethora” of brothels in Letterkenny. Donegal Now, [online] Available at: https://www.donegalnow.com/news/councillor-warns-of-plethora-of-brothels-in-letterkenny/134155

Critically reflect-Guidelines

Write a piece (500 words) which critically reflects on your recent work in Soc3A.

 Use these guiding questions to structure your response:

  • What have you learned doing this module?
  • Describe your learning process throughout this module and discuss the skills you are still developing. 
  • What challenges with the module have you faced so far? 
  • What does your work on the module illustrate about you as a learner of Sociology?
  • How have you found the learning portfolio process? 
  • What is it like working with an learning portfolio?
  • How does learning with an learning portfolio compare to other modes of learning? 
  • What implications will your learning portfolio experience have on your future approach to learning? 
  • What is the next step in your learning portfolio?


Your reflection

The purpose of this reflective exercise is to analyse myself as a learner and examine how I have integrated my new knowledge of sociology. In the first part of this reflection, I will describe the changes in and reasons for my growth as a learner. In the second part, I will outline how I have applied sociological concepts to my understanding of social issues.

I have found it difficult to examine myself as a learner and understand why my habits have changed this term. I attribute the difficulty to the belief that each of these reflective exercises has forced me to uncover new or contrary study needs or habits. For example, my revision needs have changed from pacing and reciting sociological theories to requiring a quiet, still study area in which to contemplate said theories. Additionally, I previously struggled to read module text and take notes for longer than fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. Currently, I find the module text engrossing and often forget to take notes. The change in my study habits provoked my interest, and I have determined they are due to increased confidence in my ability to learn and apply knowledge. I noticed the new stillness in my academic routine after receiving good marks on the A1 assignments in the three modules in which I am enrolled (Evidence 1). Previously, I was unaware that self-doubt affected new writing challenges such as the SOC3A A1 article review. However, I was aware of a drive to learn and demonstrate knowledge of sociology to myself. I believe the grades validated my ability and I was no longer distracted or made anxious by self-doubt. Therefore, I have discovered growth in my confidence impacted my study habits and did not uncover contrary study habits. I believe this revelation will make reflecting easier in the future. Contrastingly, I find it easy to examine how I apply newly acquired sociological concepts to social issues.

Sociological theories concerning social order and power intrigue me because of my interest in helping marginalised groups. For instance, there is a legislative effort to impede brothels, particularly in Donegal where I reside. My studies have fostered awareness of two issues regarding attitudes towards prostitution in Donegal. Firstly, the local media representation of sex workers is heavily biased, negatively stigmatising sex workers (Evidence 2). A recent article (McFadden 2016) refers to Donegal prostitution as “ugly sex-for-sale controversy” and “the town’s ‘ongoing’ sex trade problem”. Secondly, Talcott Parson’s consensus perspective suggests social order is maintained by individuals playing a role in society based on society’s shared values and beliefs. In Ireland, the shared Catholic values prompt society to rewards women with increased social capital when they appear to conform to norms of chastity. In contrast, Irish law sanctions prostitutes who work together. However, there is no law prohibiting men who purchase sex. Therefore, the social order is maintained by punishing those who deviate from or threaten it, such as sex workers.

In conclusion, I have grown as a learner and am open to further changes in my academic skills. Additionally, I enjoy the awareness I have gained from my study of sociology.



McFadden, M (2016). Councillor warns of “plethora” of brothels in Letterkenny. Donegal Now, [online] Available at: https://www.donegalnow.com/news/councillor-warns-of-plethora-of-brothels-in-letterkenny/134155 [Accessed 6 January 2017]


Provide 3 pieces of evidence to support your reflection. Write a brief rationale (100 words) for their inclusion

Evidence might include:

  • Photographs-relevant to the module
  • Diagrams/infographics
  • Audio/Video
  • A section of work

Put your evidence here